Tee Off For Charity

The quote; “we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give,” usually attributed to Sir Winston Churchill, has certainly inspired the hardworking East Grinstead Meridian Rotary Club, who have raised over £90,000 for local causes – through just one of their annual events!
Over seventeen years, the popular charity golf days have raised almost £100,000 for local and international charities. This year’s event, taking place on Thursday 10th September at Lingfield Park Gold Club, hopes to add to that astonishing total and raise funds for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance, as well as other club charities.
“This popular event is regularly attended by many local residents, who return each year to enjoy a very relaxed day of golf, fellowship, fun and renewing of old acquaintances, whilst supporting worthwhile and deserving charities,” the group’s marketing, PR and communications officer, Steven Kirupai says.
“The cost of entry is £60 per player (£240 per team of 4) to include a bacon roll and coffee prior to the start, 18 holes of golf followed by a 2 course meal and prize-giving – we already have several teams entered but at the moment, there is space for a few more!”
“Come and play golf and have a fun day, raising money for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance.”To enter, contact David Roberts by calling: 01342 832329 or
emailing: coachmans@talktalk.net.