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All in moderation

All In Moderation

Christmas can be a time of gluttony, but it needn’t be. We’ve got some top tips for you to indulge without the bulge.

With all the delicious eats and treats now around the corner, there’s no way even the most disciplined among us will be able to commence a December detox.

However, this Christmas and New Year, by focussing on the motto ‘all in moderation’, you might just be able to enjoy the festive season by ‘maintaining and not gaining’.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and there are so many tempting naughties; Irish whisky cream? Pass me a glass! Fondant chocolates? Mmm…

Christmas is an opportunity for parties, presents and festive treats – but for some, it comes with an expanding waistline. So can you indulge without the bulge?

Rest assured, Christmas really can be happy and healthy! It’s not about a list of foods you must avoid or a set number of crunches you must get in every day. Somewhere over time, we have lost the sense to listen to our bodies as to when to start and stop eating – stress, life and time all too often come into it.

This Christmas, there’s no need to let gluttony take over if you feel full then stop right there! There’s no need to keep eating for the sake of it!

Although you shouldn’t fret about foods to avoid, you can think about choices – for sweet nibbles why not ditch the chocolate for dried cranberries?

Colourful, sweet and tasty! Plus, without the sugar content of many other Christmas treats and they offer you a rich flavour of Christmas as well!

Look at drinks whether alcoholic or soft drinks – find sugar-free or low-alcohol alternatives that are as equally thirst quenching but won’t pile on the pounds!

Remember, some of these top tips may or may not work for you but what’s most important is that you find those that do and make them a habit during December.

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=”800″]Get your friends, family or work colleagues onboard!

[one_third]Top Tip: Make it a competition! Everyone puts a fiver in a hat and those able to maintain their weight during Christmas and New Year gets to split the winnings! Preparation is
the key to success!
[/one_third][one_third]Top Tip: Plan out your week’s events every Sunday. Knowing what’s going on in the week ahead can help you plan; office party on Thursday, girls-night-out Friday, in-laws Saturday… Schedule some extra exercise in!
[/one_third][one_third_last]Top Tip: Organise an exercise schedule around your festive fun and frolics! It’s not about getting a gym membership but plan simple walks and household chores!
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