Making a Difference to Local Families in Need

The UK is facing its biggest cost of living crisis in decades, the news is full of war, natural disaster, and climate change, and it can all feel very overwhelming. How can I possibly help? Where to start?
There is something you can do on a very local level, to help people in Surrey who are really struggling. People who are working hard, maybe juggling multiple jobs, but who still have to choose between eating themselves or feeding their children, or between heating and food. The Community Foundation for Surrey can double your donation at the moment thanks to Surrey County Council who have pledged to match donations – so every £5 becomes £10. We are raising as much money as we can to support local Surrey organisations helping local people who are living in poverty.
Just under 1 in 10 Surrey children aged 15 and under are in absolute low-income households – this means their families do not have the minimum amount of income needed to meet their basic living requirements. The vast majority of these children have parents in work – but their wages have not kept pace with rising costs. In Surrey this poverty exists in pockets – across the street from others living in very comfortable circumstances. This means it can become invisible to us.
Through the Tackling Poverty Campaign, CFSurrey channels donations into grants that directly impact individuals and families across the county, ensuring they have access to the resources they need to stay warm, fed, clean and in suitable accommodation.
These grants support a range of essential services, including fuel poverty assistance, provision of warm clothing and blankets, community meal programs, and emergency financial aid for struggling households. Every pound donated goes towards making a tangible difference in the lives of our neighbours, helping to alleviate the immediate hardships they face.
Examples of funding we have already been able to provide include:
Step by Step
Funding to support an organisation providing support to young homeless people.
St Marks Church, Tattenham Corner
Funding to provide users of a Food club with electric blankets and microwave-heated warm pads to keep them warm over winter.
The Tackling Poverty Campaign cannot succeed without the generosity of our community. Your contribution, no matter how small, can make a world of difference to those in need. Together, we can ensure that no one in Surrey is left behind. Join us in spreading warmth, compassion, and hope throughout our community.
To donate and make a difference, click here or scan the QR code, below!