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Give Something Back: Our Scout Groups Need You!

Give Something Back Our Scout Groups Need You

Each year The Scout Association gives over 450,000 young people, across the UK, the opportunity to enjoy new adventures, experience the outdoors, interact with others, gain confidence and ultimately; reach their full potential.

However, the association needs more adults to volunteer to ensure that the service can welcome more members! One such local group looking for more residents to get involved, to help them support the increasing number of local children and young people looking to become Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers is Crawley District Scouts.

“Scouting changes lives by offering fun and challenging activities, unique experiences, everyday adventure and the chance to help others and make a positive impact in communities,” Sarah Dodwell, Chairman of 5th Crawley Scout Group says. “It helps children and young adults reach their full potential, to get jobs, save lives and even change the world.”

Scouts take part in a varied range of fun activities, including: arts, crafts, hikes, archery, abseiling, kayaking and much more – giving our young boys the chance to have fun, make friends, get outdoors and experience the wider world.

“These everyday adventures are possible thanks to our adult volunteers, who support Scouts in a wide range of roles from working directly with young people, to helping manage a group, to being a charity trustee,” Sarah adds.

It’s not just the 6-18 year old members that benefit from being part of the Scout Association, though. In a recent survey of Scout volunteers. 90% of them said that they used the skills that they learnt whilst volunteering during their work or personal life.

To volunteer and start your Scouting adventure, contact Eddy Hills on or call 07584 908766. No previous experience is necessary!

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