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Crawley Down Ladies Choir

Crawley Down Ladies Choir (CDLC) was founded on 12th May 1969 as a sub section of the WI. To attract more members from the local community, the choir decided to go independent in September 1985.

Over the years the Choir has performed at many varied occasions such as concerts, weddings, special services, bringing the joy of song to local care establishments and fundraising events.
Choir membership has fluctuated over the life of the choir and includes not only ladies from Crawley Down but also the surrounding villages and towns.

We love to sing and rehearse at the Haven Centre in Crawley Down. Over the years the Choir has collected a large library of varied music, suitable for Altos and Sopranos.

Our Musical Director (MD), Jean Cole, has been with the choir from its inception. Since 1971 Jean has been either the Accompanist or Musical Director. After so many years of exceptional leadership, Jean has decided the time has come to step down as MD after our concert on 10th June 2024.

Our concert will be held at the Haven Centre Crawley Down with doors opening at 19:30pm. Entrance is free and there will be a raffle, a complimentary refreshment, and a retiring collection. A date for your diary?

Although a few of the current members will also leave the choir after our June concert, most members want it to continue. This will inevitably mean change, but we are keen to find a new MD who can lead us into the next phase of the CDLC.

Opening for Musical Director of Crawley Down Ladies Choir

Following the decision of our long-standing Musical Director (MD) to retire after our June concert, the Crawley Down Ladies Choir (CDLC) is seeking a replacement MD commencing September 2024 if possible.

CDLC is a community choir, serving our local area and has been in existence for over 50 years. We meet at the Haven Centre in Crawley Down, currently hold 2 concerts a year and perform at other events in and around the village.

We are always ready to welcome new members who like us, have a love of singing.
If interested, please contact Linda Stewart via email:

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