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Crawley Wheelers: Competitive Cycling

Crawley Wheelers Competitive Cycling

Crawley Wheelers, formed over fifty years ago, is a competitive cycling group that brings together over 200 enthusiasts for social and competitive cycling!

Each Saturday and Sunday, up to fifty riders meet outside Evans Cycles in Crawley to take on one of four routes, and as Mark Penfold, the group’s Chairman explains, there’s a ride for every keen cyclist of all ages and abilities:

“All rides are graded in terms of length and speed. We start with the social ride which is typically around 20-25 miles in length, with a break for tea/coffee and cake, and is the slowest of our rides, going at the pace of the slowest rider.”

“The A ride is between 12-14 mph and 30-40 miles, while our B ride has a pace of 14-16 mph and covers 40-55 miles. Both A and B rides also have a refreshment stop. The top ride is the C ride with a minimum speed of 16 mph and can be in excess of 70 miles.”

“Having clearly defined speeds and distances helps riders to choose which group they are best placed to ride with but also helps those riders who want to move into racing by offering a clearly defined progression,” the passionate cyclist, who joined Crawley Wheelers over twenty-two years ago, continues.

Non-members can take part in three rides before joining and families and solo riders alike are welcome to join. Under 16’s can join for free, whilst under 18’s and senior citizens receive half price membership.

To find out more visit: or check out the group’s Facebook page:

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