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Spring Clean Like A Pro

Spring Clean Like A Pro

Spring is here! There might be the odd frost around but the sun is starting to break through and it is getting warmer by the day! It’s time to get spring cleaning and make your home look spotless! Once done, your home will be ready for the year ahead so get organised, get equipped, get involved and get cleaning!

No one looks forward to spring cleaning and if the thought completely overwhelms you then here are some tips to get your spring cleaning well and truly underway hassle-free, efficient and effective!

Get organised!
Don’t dive into your spring cleaning without a plan first! Sit down and make a plan of what you are going to clean and when, if you stick to this structure it will make the job a whole lot easier. What time you can commit is key to such a plan!

Get equipped!
Spring cleaning is so much easier when you have the equipment you need – working with one or two cloths just won’t do! Make sure you have a list of all the cleaning tasks you need to do and a list of all the cleaning products you have or might need.

Get involved!
When it comes to a household spring clean, you shouldn’t have to tackle it on your own. As the old saying goes, many hands make light work, and it’s true! Cleaning will take half the time if you can get your partner or children on board too!

If you’re all mucking in and it’s a team effort make it fun! Put on music to sing together and make sure everyone enjoys a nice treat at the end of the spring clean – it’s an incentive to finish quicker and a nice reward after a hard day’s work tidying up!

Get cleaning!
Work your way down – sounds simple but start at the top of your house and work your way down. You don’t have to do the entire house in one stint – rather, pace yourself. Start by tidying, then dust, clean and then tackle the vacuuming in that step-by-step order.

Don’t forget the curtains! If curtains are not cleaned thoroughly at least once a year they will deteriorate. Some may require dry-cleaning whilst others can be washed at home – whatever you do just don’t forget to remove any attached curtain hooks.

Deep clean the carpets – carpets should be deep cleaned at least twice a year to remove ingrained dirt, bugs and allergens. Use a good quality vacuum or steamer which can be hired at a reasonable price to bring back the freshness!

We would love to hear from you about your spring cleaning tips!
If you have any spring cleaning tips that you’d like to share, post them to our Facebook page or to our Twitter page @RHUncovered.

By Jacob White

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