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Countdown to Moving

Countdown To Moving

So you’ve sealed the deal? Now it’s time to countdown to moving day! Here’s our handy checklist to help keep you on track…

Ten weeks to go…

  • Choose your removal or van hire company checking their insurance.
  • List paperwork that needs to be done before you move.


Eight weeks to go…

  • Draw a floor plan of your new home and look at your furnishings and how they fit.
  • Tell your GP and dentist that you’re moving. If you’re a pet owner, tell your vet too.

Six weeks to go…

  • Talk to your home insurer about transferring coverage to your new home.
  • If you’re not using professional removers, now is a good time to ask friends to help.
  • If you need new furniture or carpets order now and arrange delivery for when you move in.

Five weeks to go…

  • Think about what you could pack early, items that aren’t used a lot e.g. Christmas decorations.
  • If you’re packing some items yourself, start gathering boxes, you will need more than you think!

Four weeks to go…

  • Arrange connection/disconnection dates with utilities in both locations.
  • Inform your employer of your move, confirming whether you require time off work.

Three weeks to go…

  • If you have newspapers and/or milk delivered call your newsagent and/or dairy with a cancel-by date and sign up for deliveries at your new address.

Two weeks to go…

  • Hire a cleaner to do a final-sweep cleaning job once the house is empty.
  • Arrange for Royal Mail to redirect your post.
  • If you have children or pets, arrange for someone to look after them during the move.
  • Notify your bank/s of any changes to direct debits and standing orders.
  • Advise your solicitor so they can ensure all completion money will be ready.
  • Change of address with:
    • Bank/Building Society, insurance companies and credit card companies.
    • Driver and Vehicle Licensing (DVLA) and mortgage lenders.
    • Inland Revenue, Local Council Office, Social Security Office.
  • Finalise arrangements with your removal or van hire company.
  • Collect up all keys for your existing property.
  • Make sure loft, garden shed and other storage places have been cleared out.
  • Arrange a time to collect the keys for your new home.
  • Hold a car boot sale or sell online to get rid of all that stuff you don’t want to move
  • Start packing non-essential items into boxes.


One week to go…

  • Send out change-of-address announcements to family and friends.
  • Plan meals for once your dishes are packed and your fridge is empty.

A few days to go…

  • Defrost fridge and freezer.
  • Complete packing except for clothing and overnight toiletries needed for the moving day.

Moving day…

  • Turn off the central heating and all electrical appliances.
  • Check all storage spaces and lock all windows and doors.
  • Leave keys as arranged with new owners.
  • Make a note of gas, water and electric meter readings.
  • Eat breakfast! You’re going to need fuel for the busy day ahead.

moving day

By Jacob White

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