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Break Your Bad Beauty Habits In 2019

With the start of a new year there has never been a better time to leave your bad beauty habits behind and start your beauty spring clean. Make this the year that you break your old habits and overhaul your regime and make-up bag to ensure you look the best you can.

With the arrival of January and the end of the Christmas and New Year party season now is the time to overhaul your beauty regime and make-up bag. When was the last time you reviewed your beauty habits and deep cleaned your make-up bag? If you cannot remember it is likely now is a good time to start! Revolutionise your regime and add some sparkle to your stunning stash of cosmetic products.

Be A Sleeping Beauty
No matter how tired you are after a night out, resist the temptation to go to bed with make-up still on your face. Mascara not removed properly will soon dry your eyelashes out, making them brittle and weak. Last night’s foundation not fully removed will clog your skin’s all-important pores, leaving you prone to nasty spot break-outs.
Once you get home, make cleansing your face a priority and dedicate 15 minutes to your skin and think – cleanse, tone and moisturise. It is a good idea to keep a pack of cleansing wipes next to your bed, so that if you return home after a big night out you can still attempt to remove some of your make-up in comfort.

Setting Things Straight
If you straighten, curl or blow dry your hair every day you are causing a lot of stress and damage to your tresses which can result in sorry and sad split ends, disastrous dried-out lengths and dreary, dull looking locks.
Try a new style – sweep your hair up or use hair accessories for a different look and find products which cater for your needs. You do not have to say goodbye to your current style, just use it more sparingly.

Age Matters
The age of the products that you use matters, avoid using make-up past its best and when it comes to sun cream buy a fresh batch each season. Cosmetics may look innocent enough, however, after being opened they can be a breeding ground for bacteria which can result in eye infections and skin irritations.
It is important to regularly clear-out your make-up bag – typically, mascaras, liquid eyeliners and lip glosses should be thrown away and replaced every three – four months, foundation can be kept for around 12 months, as can lipsticks and eyeshadows. Also make sure brushes and sponges are kept clear.

By Jacob White

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