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Be A Greener Gardener In 2020

Be A Greener Gardener In 2020

Have you been inspired to live a much greener lifestyle by public figures such as Sir David Attenborough or Greta Thunberg? In 2020, whatever aspect of your life, you can find some simple ways to live greener, and your behaviour in the garden should be no different – think how you can be a greener gardener and keep your garden weed-free in spring and summer with chemical-free alternatives.

The warmer weather might feel a long way off and when it does arrive your long hours spent in the garden pruning and preening can soon feel like a waste when pesky weeds like dandelions find their way into your garden, however, this year, avoid reaching for chemicals and go chemical free in 2020.

Store Cupboard Favourites
Everyday store cupboard favourites including baking soda, salt, and vinegar can all act as chemical-free weed killers. Salt is best used as a herbicide or pesticide when diluted with three-parts salt and one-part water, after leaving for around 10 minutes before spraying onto weeds, avoid use on your lawns though as it can be absorbed into the soil and lead to grass growth. If weed growth is affecting your driveway or patio, vinegar is good option, simply spray onto the weeds, much like salt, avoid on lawns and flowerbeds as vinegar can be powerful and kill the plants you welcome in your garden.

As well as waging war on weeds, your garden can benefit from homemade compost which can utilise unwanted items from your home – avoid the general refuse bin, and make a place in your garden for items from your home that you no longer need, and at the same time create the perfect fertiliser.

From Inside To Out
Did you know? Unwanted or pre-loved household items or by-products of general life can be put together to create compost. From food waste to shredded newspaper, you can create a compost heap from just about anything. Compost is all about organic matter, think about adding to your compost heap the following items in addition to the usual garden cuttings – food waste such as peelings, nail clippings – use varnish-free only, shredded newspaper – avoid glossy print magazines, and even unwanted beer or wine – no matter how flat or corked, it can be added to compost 

How Does Your Garden Grow?

There are unusual aids to garden growth, think about the following environmentally friendly ones: 

Banana Peel
Peels will give your plants a potassium boost as they breakdown and they also fend off aphids.

Coffee Grounds
The grounds must be dry, added to soil, they will bring antioxidants, nitrogen, and phosphor.


Shells can fight off slugs, but they can also once ground down offer your plants a source of calcium.

Fireplace Ashes
A dusting of ash can enrich your soil with calcium carbonate and potassium – increasing pH levels.

Spent Matches
Once lit matches offer a source of magnesium to your green space proving to be a good fertiliser.

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