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New Year’s Resolutions To Help You Conceive In 2020

New Year’s Resolutions To Help You Conceive In 2020

Is 2020 the year that your family hopes to hear the pitter-patter of tiny feet? Each year at the turn of midnight on New Years’ Eve we all attempt to ditch our vices and live much healthier lifestyles, for couples hoping to become parents this year, the new year’s resolutions might be more important than ever.

Year-in, year-out, there are some common new year’s resolutions which many hope to achieve, with varying levels of success, including stopping smoking, reducing alcohol intake, getting more exercise and eating a healthier diet, when it comes to conceiving all of these can help you achieve your baby goal.

Eating Healthier
After the Christmas binge of high-calorie, high-sugar and high-fat foods, January is a good time to think about eating healthier once again. A healthy diet rich in fruit and vegetables is important for us all to function, and for couples hoping to conceive, a healthy balanced diet is a must, if you still have a sweet tooth, even after Christmas there are still tasty foods you can enjoy such as dark chocolate.

Get On The Move
Keeping moving and active is important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and body weight, a healthy body weight is important for couples to conceive. Finding the right exercise for you and your partner is important, avoid where you can overexertion which in fact can cause conception problems in itself, so look to take on low intensity, but positive activities such as pilates, and yoga.

Go Dry January
Cutting your alcohol intake can offer a range of health benefits, doing Dry January is a good start, but think about making it a long-term change. For conceiving, toxins in alcohol can damage fertility – for men, excessive alcohol consumption can lower testosterone levels as well as reduce the quantity of sperm and its quality, while for women, binge drinking can in some cases lead to irregular periods.

Quit The Habit
One of the most popular new year’s resolutions across the world is giving up smoking, and for good reason as smoking contributes to a range of health problems. In terms of conceiving, the habit can have an impact on both men and women’s fertility, as well as potentially increasing challenges to conception, stopping smoking is recommend for parents once a baby is eventually born.

Nutrition Tips For Mums To Be

Congratulations! You have been given the wonderful news that you are expecting, so  what should a mum-to-be need to consider  to help her own and her baby’s growth? 

The important mineral helps build the baby’s bones and teeth as well as helping the circulatory, muscular and nervous system.

Folic Acid
For a healthy pregnancy, this supplement can help to prevent birth defects, and can help to build a baby’s brain and spinal cord.

It is believed it can help prevent premature deliveries, and its presences in a mother’s diet can help the delivery of oxygen to the baby.

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