Join a Club for Over 50’s Today!

Hi-Days is a club for over 50s offering a variety of activities. Monday mornings at The Harlequin Theatre, Redhill. Want to use your creative skill? Want to meet new people and make friends? Want a variety of activities? Then go and join Hi-Days!
The group meets at 10:15 am on Mondays during Autumn and Spring term times. Before coffee at 11 am, you can join Julia Hunt for Keep Fit, which is suitable for all levels of ability, and if Keep Fit is not your thing why not try our varied program of outside speakers, quizzes, and games?
At 11 am we all come together for coffee and a chat and after the deserved coffee at 11.45 am you can choose to join one of the small friendly groups offering such activities as:
– Creative Writing
– Crafts
– Or join the gamers to play Scrabble or Rubbikub.
One member said, “I started Creative Writing last year having never tried it. I have enjoyed it so much I have chosen to be in that group every week.”
If none of the activities appeal to you, again there is the alternative of listening to a talk by an outside speaker. The first 5 weeks will be about 5 local National Trust properties.
Attend the Registration Coffee Morning on 11th September 2023 at 11:00 am at The Harlequin.
The cost is £55 for 10 weeks (non-refundable), and new members get a free first session.
Do join us, it’s a great start to the week.