Headway East Sussex Chosen As Haywards Heath Swimarathon Charity For 2019
Headway East Sussex Chosen As Haywards Heath Swimarathon Charity For 2019
Haywards Heath Lions Club has chosen Headway East Sussex as its nominated charity for the 2019 Swimarathon which takes place on Good Friday – April, 19 at The Dolphin Leisure Centre.
Participants are invited to make Headway East Sussex their good cause, the charity needs teams of six swimmers of any age to swim in a 55 minute relay to raise money for their vital support work.
Those dipping a toe in the water and making a splash on the day can raise money for Headway East Sussex or their own chosen cause, with the first sponsored teams taking to the water at 8.00am and the final ones at 6.00pm.
Money raised will be paid to the Lions, which will then distribute to the good causes – half of each team’s money will be donated to that team’s cause and half to the Lions’ cause – Headway East Sussex.
Headway East Sussex needs to raise £100,000 annually to provide its services to those with brain injuries – it is hoped it can benefit from the event which last year saw Time 4 Children receive £15,000.
For more information about the Haywards Heath Lions Club Swimarathon 2019, visit: www.hhlionsswim.co.uk
For the latest news from Headway East Sussex, visit: www.headwayeastsussex.org.uk