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Harriet & Simon’s 100km Walk For Redhill Charity

Harriet & Simon’s 100km Walk For Redhill Charity

Are you planning to get fit and exercise more this new year? If so, you could draw inspiration from a Surrey couple who completed a grueling 100km walk to raise money for Redhill-based Christian charity, SparkFish. Battling blistered feet, the pair raised more than £1,000 for the charity as they completed walks around Surrey.

Determined to make a difference in their local community, Harriet Pearce, 29, and Simon Pearce, 38, decided that they would go the extra mile or around 62 miles in fact to complete a 100km challenge to raise money for the charity Harriet works for. Providing services across Redhill, Reigate and Mertstham, the charity SparkFish offers support in important areas of the curriculum and wider school life to students.

Harriet, who previously worked in local government and who has worked for the charity since September 2017 is the charity’s schools’ ministry leader. Her role sees her build relationships between schools and churches and lead the schools work which the charity delivers in primary, secondary schools and colleges, while Simon is a chief commercial officer for a Surrey-based advertising-tech company.

Speaking about why they braved blisters for SparkFish, Harriet says: “We are both really passionate about the work that it does in local schools. I have seen the difference SparkFish makes to students through its mentoring, drawing and talking therapy and lunchtime clubs. I might be a bit biased as I work for SparkFish but I love everything it delivers.”

Reflecting on their ramble and the stunning Surrey scenery they saw, Simon says: “A memorable moment was completing a circular walk near Shalford, Guildford. It was a beautiful day and stunning scenery – we were also both pleasantly surprised by how beautiful Surrey is – although we both knew this already, we were still surprised by how much beautiful countryside there is so close to our home!”

The money raised by the walk will go towards SparkFish’s Hope project which works with vulnerable young people and children who need extra support in school. The money will also go towards supporting drawing and talking therapy in primary schools, one-to-one mentoring in secondary schools, lunchtime clubs at Reigate School, self-esteem workshops in secondary schools and the charity’s Think! spaces.

Following their successful fundraiser, what do the pair have planned next? Harriet 
says they will be putting their feet up after their tremendous fundraising efforts: “The 
100km challenge has raised over £1,000 which is really exciting! We are going to let our feet (and ankles) recover!”

Help Harriet & Simon Go The Extra Mile
Creating A Spark In South East Surrey
Help Harriet & Simon Go The Extra Mile

If you would like to help Harriet and Simon go the extra mile in their fundraising, you can donate by visiting their online crowdfunding page, visit:

Creating A Spark In South East Surrey

For more information about SparkFish and the work that the charity does across south east Surrey, visit:

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