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Councillor’s Gift For Turners Hill Charity

Councillor’s Gift For Turners Hill Charity

Cllr Bruce Forbes who served as Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) chairman for two years marked the culmination of his time in office by presenting Turners Hill-based charity, Sullivan’s Heroes £6,008.

During his time as chairman of MSDC, Cllr Forbes helped to raise funds for Sullivan’s Heroes, a charity which offers support and financial assistance for families with disabled children through fundraising events.

One local family which has been supported by Sullivan’s Heroes is the Wells family, and Cllr Forbes paid them a visit before the end of the civic year to see how Sullivan’s Heroes is making a difference.

Cllr Forbes, said: “I’m overwhelmed by the generosity of our local businesses and residents who have helped us to raise this money for Sullivan’s Heroes. I would like to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart.”

For more information about Sullivan’s Heroes and its work, visit:

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