Could you Ride or Stride to School or College?

Families and older students are being encouraged to leave their cars at home and consider other ways of getting to school, nursery, college, or university.
The roads are expected to be busy when education settings reopen from this week. So, people are being asked to consider walking, cycling, or using public transport if they can. Cycling is a great way to get fit, save fuel money and keep cars off the road.
New pop-up cycle lanes are being introduced across West Sussex, and people can find out the nearest one to them and their school at WSCC website here

Roger Elkins, West Sussex County Council Cabinet Member for Highways and Infrastructure, said: “However people will be travelling to school, you can be assured that a host of extra safety measures are in place. We are putting on extra school transport to meet an expected increase in demand, and all our school buses, minibuses and taxis will be regularly deep cleaned, and our staff will be using appropriate PPE. We are working closely with public bus operators who continue to follow strict national guidance.
By law, children aged 11 and over must wear a face covering on public transport. Students using dedicated school transport such as bus, minibus and taxi are also asked to wear a face-covering if they are able and not exempt.
Full school transport guidance can be found here. There you will find a video for how to safely put on and remove a face covering, as well as a host of important information for families about returning to school.
If you or your child wishes to cycle to school, college or sixth form upon return next week, book your bike for a service today!
Bike Wrks offers professional building, service and repair works for all types of bicycles with free collection and delivery in the Crawley area.
Contact them today on 07979057473 or by emailing