Calling all art lovers!

On 28th – 29th May, local art-enthusiasts are invited to enjoy an impressive two day exhibition at The Glebe Centre, in Crawley Down.
The exhibition is the first of its kind to be held at the community centre, which opened three years ago and will showcase just how talented the village’s residents are. “The aim is to celebrate art in Crawley Down by exhibiting sculptures, paintings and applique, created by artists living in the village, plus art by children of Crawley Down Village School,” the organiser, Reverend Jon Hale, vicar of All Saints Church explains.
The free amateur art event will see stunning work from locals, including renowned mouth painter Jacky Archer and outstanding sculptor Lorraine Kelly who uses materials from the forest floor in her creations.
Six specially-made frames, totalling 33 square metres of space, will display the finest works from artists, sculptors, and school students, during the weekend.
Some pieces will be available to buy too – so if you fancy an original for your home produced by a local artist, don’t forget your wallet or purse!
“Some works in the exhibition will be for sale with 80% of the sale being received by the artist,” Reverend Hale says. “The 20% commission taken by The Glebe Centre will cover the cost of expenses and use of the building.”
Not only does the exhibition bring together art lovers, but also highlights the importance of creativity too. “Art in school is essential to give children a sense of self-worth: it introduces them to colour, form, design and pattern; this lets children engage directly with their world and it stimulates a sense of wonder,” the vicar continues.
“A child’s painting is something to cherish and to be proud of. At the same time, more adults than ever before are buying and enjoying colouring books – many people paint and draw. Lots of people mess about with stuff to make things that are fun, decorative and sometimes practical. Imaginative and well executed works of art are a delight and source of inspiration in the home. And on the last weekend in May, in The Glebe Centre, these will have been produced by people in Crawley Down.”
While all exhibitors were chosen for this exhibition, if it’s a success, Reverend Hale will be hoping to host another again soon – so do contact him on 01342 714922 to put yourself forward!
The Crawley Down amateur art exhibition will take place on Saturday May 28 and Sunday May 29 at The Glebe Centre, Crawley Down.