Are You Interested In Horley’s Local History?

If so, why not consider joining Horley Local History Society?
In 1952 a small group of interested people within Horley parish formed a local history association. They identified early references concerning Horley history and undertook much basic research into what was available at County Record Offices, Lambeth & Guildhall Libraries, Surrey Archaeological Society and the British Museum. Many of their findings formed the basis for future studies.
By 1971 this group had expanded to such an extent that a formal constitution was agreed and the group adopted the current name. We also staff a help desk in Horley Public Library on Saturday mornings and Tuesday afternoons where we try to assist members of the public with answers to any questions they have on Local History or historic Family matters.
HLHS has the following aims:
- To provide a forum where all with an interest in the history of Horley and its surroundings, from its earliest times to the present day, can meet, discuss and review ongoing projects and acquire knowledge on all aspects of local history.
- To provide help and assistance to those undertaking studies in areas of personal interest.
- To encourage the collection of data, information and photographic records on all aspects of local history. Also, to undertake further research with the object of assembling the results in a published format for the benefit of members and for the general public to enjoy.
“We meet on the 4th Thursday in the month at Horley Methodist Church Hall in Victoria Road, Horley although our meetings have been disrupted by the Covid pandemic. Over recent months we have met via Zoom and our online meetings have been very well attended and most successful.”
“Following the relaxation of Covid restrictions in June, we hope that we may be able to resume physical meetings from July onwards and plan to celebrate with a visit to Gatwick Aviation Museum in lieu of a formal meeting in July.”
If all goes well their programme of physical meetings will resume in September and their full programme can be found under ‘Events’ on their website.
The society has published many books over the years which continue to sell steadily on eBay. Amongst the most successful are our ‘Great-Grandfather’s Horley’ series of 4 books containing many old photographs of Horley and the surrounding area.

Membership currently stands at over 100 members but we still have room for more. If you would like to join us it costs just £10 a year for individuals and £15 for a family membership. Full details are available on the Horley Local History Society website here