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Anyone For Tennis This July?

Anyone For Tennis This July

When Wimbledon, the world’s oldest tennis tournament arrives each summer, the sport of tennis captivates the nation for two solid weeks. However, that is not the full story – the sport is accessible to all ages all year round. Why not make July the month you are for tennis? It is fun and suitable for a range of fitness levels and abilities, so if you do not think tennis is for you… You cannot be serious!

Are you inspired to play tennis after the thrills and spills of Centre Court. There are more than 20,000 tennis courts in the UK where you can go and play the game and thousands of clubs and park courts which provide rackets and balls if you do not have your own.

If you are looking for a singles game, find a tennis league near you. No matter what your standard is, once you have answered a few questions you will be allocated into a small group and you will be guaranteed a friendly and competitive match. The British weather can be notoriously unkind, but there are many options to play indoors too, ensuring rain does not stop play whatever time of year.

Ultimately, if you are capable of holding a racket, you can play tennis, and with helpful schemes such as Tennis For Free, backed by the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA), the sport is becoming more accessible and breaking down misconceptions about who plays tennis. Tennis really is a sport for all, regardless of social background, age or gender, and it is one which is fun, fast and frenetic to play.
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Play Close To Home

If you are looking for a tennis club close to home where you can work on your play, meet new people and enjoy a new and active sporting life, visit: [/box]

If you have a physical disability, the sport can be adapted to suit any ability with smaller courts, tennis chairs or sound balls. Impressive adaptations to tennis mean if you have a physical disability, tennis can help build self-esteem and independence, as well as boosting fitness and coordination, and wheelchair tennis integrates easily with the non-disabled game on regular courts.

By Jacob White

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