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How To Stay Safe In The Sun

Girl Applying Sun Cream

We have officially entered what is going to be the hottest week of 2020 so far! If you are out and about it can be very easy to put yourself at risk. So here is how to stay safe in the sun.

Heatstroke and heat exhaustion can happen when our body cannot properly cool down. Continuous heat exposure can also lead to heat rash, heat cramps and most commonly sunburn. So here are just a few small tips to ensure that you make the most of the sun, whilst keeping yourself safe.

  • Avoid direct sun if you can, if you have to be outside then stay out of direct sunlight and if you have to for work, ask for regular short breaks where you can cool down, inside.
  • Drink plenty of water and avoid fizzy drinks and alcohol where you can. If you are consuming alcohol whilst sitting in the sun, make sure you drink water in between each alcoholic beverage.
  • Dress appropriately for the weather. Light coloured and loose-fit clothing will make it a great deal easier to cool down.
  • Wear sun cream! I know we all like a nice summer glow however, it’s not worth it for red and peeling skin! Make sure you lather up in a high SPF like 30 or 50 and do your research on the most effective brands of cream.

Most importantly, remember to enjoy the sun! It is one of very few things that’s keeping us going during these odd times. Go and see friends and family whilst adhering to social distancing rules, keep cool and carry on!

To read more about sun safety visit the NHS website here

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