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Mid Sussex Garden Opens For Armed Forces Charity

This June, Horsted Keynes’ Tuesday Group members alongside Town Place will be opening the private garden in Freshfield to the public as part of the National Gardens Scheme to raise money for charity.

The Tuesday Group started in 1962 as a branch of the Royal British Legion, Women’s Section which is a membership organisation, providing care and support to the serving and ex-service community.

In 2015 the Royal British Legion (RBL) amalgamated the women’s section into the main branch. In response the women’s group in Horsted Keynes became independent from the RBL and last October they became The Tuesday Group.

Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month in the Horsted Club in Horsted Keynes and feature a variety of speakers, lunches and outings. The decision to leave the RBL was a big one, however, as members put it, the club is doing better than ever!

Like the RBL, fundraising is important to the Tuesday Group and each year they choose a charity they would like to support. In 2017, these are SSAFA – the armed forces charity and Blind Veterans UK.

The Horsted Keynes Tuesday Group has many ideas for fundraising – a popular idea is a marmalade and cake sale. However, this year group members have decided to organise something different.

Dr and Mrs McGrath from Town Place in Sheffield Park have kindly agreed to open their gardens for the group’s fundraiser. Town Place is a private garden which is open for charity as part of the National Gardens Scheme. On Sunday, June 18 the Tuesday Group have organised an afternoon tea in the garden with the proceeds going to the group who are supporting SSAFA and Blind Veterans UK.

Founded in 1885, SSAFA is the oldest military charity in the UK, helping thousands of people each year. SSAFA support anyone who is currently serving or has ever served in the Royal Navy, British Army or Royal Air Force – providing family support as well as supporting servicemen and women, and veterans.

Blind Veterans UK supports anyone who has served in the armed forces or who has done National Service and as a result, is now living with significant sight loss. They help blind ex-servicemen and women lead an independent and fulfilling life by supporting them with in-depth expertise, experience and a full range of services.

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=”600″]The afternoon tea takes place at Town Place, Ketches Lane, Freshfield RH17 7NR.
The garden will be open 2.00pm – 6.00pm on Sunday, June 18. Admission is £5.00 for adults, children’s entry is free.
For more information, please visit:[/box]
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