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This Dancing Queen had the best time!

This Dancing Queen Had The Best Time!

If you know me, you’ll know…..I love ABBA, so take me to Brighton on an August evening to watch Mamma Mia and I’m in my element!  You may know the story, you may have already seen the film, but if you’re looking for something that will make you smile all evening with your toes a-tapping, get online and book tickets quickly!

Mamma Mia, the smash-hit musical is back at The Brighton Centre this week. It’s a love story about a girl finding her father… and finding herself.  Jena Pandya plays Sophie Sheridan, the 20 year old girl who’s getting married but wants her father to walk her down the aisle. She captures the audience with her beautiful voice and energy and her relationship with the oh-so talented Sara Poyzer, playing Donna, her mother, is just beautiful.

The show is stuffed full of humour, and there’s also moments where a tear might escape when no-one’s looking, and it’s all wrapped up and told through the ABBA classic songs we all know and love.

The costumes are vibrant, the choreography energetic and slick and the cast are superb with fantastic dance routines and amazing solo and group performances.

Of course they got a “dancing” ovation from every audience member…and five stars from me!

I’ve checked and there’s still some availability at the weekend performances, available through Ticketmaster

Heather, RH Uncovered

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