Showtime: Singing To Raise Funds For Las Vegas Competition

Surrey singing group Vocal Dimension Chorus are fine-tuning their vocal chords for a very special spring time concert, in aid of raising funds to represent the UK in a prestigious competition taking place in Las Vegas in October.
The vibrant and award-winning acapella chorus of 37 women, mostly from across Surrey, recently won a gold medal for their small chorus in a national competition, which gives them the exciting opportunity to compete on Las Vegas’ MGM Grand Hotel’s iconic stage and hopefully bring back a gold international medal, for the UK!
However, with flights and registration alone costing over £25,000, the great group are currently fundraising tirelessly to ensure that they can take their place on the stage.
On Saturday 12th March, the singers will be hosting their first 2016 show: Showtime, taking place at St Mary’s Church, Chart Lane, Reigate from 7:30pm, where we can expect to hear an exciting repertoire of classic barbershop arrangements, swing, West End Show songs and pop hits. They will also be joined by some very special guests too. All proceeds from the show will go directly towards their once-in-a-lifetime-trip.
Speaking of putting on a show, Vocal Dimension Chorus (who formed in 2009 to unite singers), are also working on their Las Vegas competition piece – which includes a script, costumes and choreography!
“At international competition, we don’t just sing a couple of pieces that we then get judged on,” Alison Dowrick, a member that lives in Horley explains. “We have to put on a mini show, with a number of pieces linked by a storyline. Some of our members are working on the script and we have started learning our songs. Learning to present the story is perhaps the toughest part of our preparation.”
So, just what would it mean to the group to win gold at the Sweet Adelines Harmony Classic International Competition?
“It will feel absolutely amazing to win the gold medal at international level,” Alison says. “Actually, it will be just an incredible experience and to come home with any international medal will be quite an achievement!”
“Although we love to compete and win medals, we have a very special motto; ‘making music and having fun doing it’ and we certainly do have lots of fun. After a busy day at work or hectic family week, a rehearsal evening is a wonderful tonic!”
To buy tickets for Showtime (£12 for adults, £8 for under 18’s) or find out how you can support the group visit: