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Put down the iPads and smartphones: Introducing Smash Activity Club

Put Down The IPads And Smartphones Introducing Smash Activity Club

Think back to when you were a child and how you would occupy yourself in your free time. Play outside? Make mud pies? Ladybird houses? Go for a bike ride?

Children are so pre-occupied with the constant use of technology around us, that finding activities away from the computer or phone are rare. That’s the idea behind Smash Activity Club in Cuckfield, a children’s group set up by school teachers to offer alternative clubs for children.

Founder of the club, Rebecca Harman said: “At Smash we offer a variety of activities, ranging from crafts, team games, and sports too. All sessions are run by experienced teachers who know how to get the best out of children. Small groups mean children get to know one another and staff.”

Rebecca said she wanted to offer children alternative activities so that children had a choice: “As a P.E teacher I know very well that not all children enjoy playing competitive games.

“It is essential that these children are able to participate in activities that they can enjoy and achieve in. At Smash we provide just that.”

Some of the examples of activities that children have taken part in so far have included: Balloon making, egg decorating and rolling, yoga, scarecrow making, pond dipping, mini beast hunting, bag making, clay, tile painting, water fight, scavenger hunt, face painting, jewellery making, loom bands, birdhouse making, den building, drama and bag making. Phew!

Holy Trinity Primary School in Cuckfield has a woodland area which allows the group to do a lot of forest-based activists which the children love.

“All of these activities feature on our summer schedule alongside sports programme,” said Rebecca.

“The children seem to love being able to choose what activity they will do. They can perfect their tennis serve, build a den or act in a play, all in one day. It is clear they enjoy trying different things, learning a new skill and making new friends.”

Having been a teacher for 14 years, Rebecca said it was clear to her that children are at their happiest when they are playing, interacting with one another and gaining a sense of achievement.

“At the end of the day we send children home happy, proud and tired!”

Smash is currently running a summer camp until the 7th August from 8.15am-5pm and children can do anything from a half day to a full week.

If you want your child to get involved, visit their website Happy playing!

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