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Are You Winter Ready?

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Are You Winter Ready

The nights are beginning to draw in meaning only one thing – winter is on its way. Ensure your car is winter-ready by making, or asking your local garage to make these checks.

Sounds obvious, but many cars don’t have enough coolant in their system. Check routinely and topped up with the correct anti-freeze if required.

In the winter, batteries are the most common reason a car won’t start. Once five-years-old, they can often struggle to turn the engine over for long before giving up. Ask your garage to test
the battery and, if necessary, get it replaced.

Screen Wash
This should be around 50% concentrate during the winter to stop it freezing, and it’s worth making sure that what’s used is good quality.
It’s surprising at how fast you can get through screen wash in the winter.

Windscreen and wipers
Keep them clean on the inside and the outside and make sure that the wiper blades are in good condition, too. Winter sun can dazzle.

While the legal limit is 1.6mm, you want at least 3mm of tread on your tyres for winter. Consider a switch to winter tyres – these are designed to work in lower temperatures and do.

Check your lights regularly, and give them a clean so that you can see and be seen. It’s handy to purchase a bulb pack – just in case.

Locks and door seals
If you’re still using a key rather than a push of a button, it’s worth giving your locks a squirt with some WD-40 to help stop them freezing.

It’s also worth making sure you’ve always got at least quarter of a tank of fuel in the car. Also, have a rug, some carpet or cardboard to stick under the wheels should you get stuck in the snow, a reflective jacket, a torch, extra screen wash, some de-icer, some snacks, and even a tow rope. It’s better to be safe than sorry!

By Ben Morley


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