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Girl Power In Horley With Girl Guiding

Since 1909 around 250 million Girl Guides have been changing lives and building a better world through leadership development, community action, service to others, peer education and advocacy.

Girl guiding is a liberal, modern organisation for young women. It is no longer about homemaking and learning how to be a good hostess. Gone are qualifications such as the laundress badge where one discussed different washing methods, or the 1938 minstrel badge where one had to play the national anthem from memory.

Today, Girl Guiding is seen as the ultimate feminist organisation, and for good reason – girls take what they learn in guiding them as they grow up. They develop the skills, values and the confidence they need to reach their potential – as students, friends and citizens, and they become the women they want to be while having lots of fun.

The Rainbow programme is about learning, by doing, and is perfect for girls aged 5-7 years-old – it is about having the space to try different things and meet new people. For girls aged 7-10, Brownies is an exciting adventure. For those aged 10-14, being a girl guide gives the opportunity to take responsibility, organise, develop skills previously learnt in Brownies and learn new and transferable skills.

From abseiling to cooking, to completing the prestigious Baden Powell Challenge Award, to filling up your Guide blanket with as many badges as possible. Throughout the guiding adventure, the girls are supported by inspiring volunteers who give their time, expertise and enthusiasm to help them thrive. Guiding would not be possible without the 100,000 dedicated volunteers nationwide.

They are not paid for what they do, they give their time because they are passionate and care about enriching the lives of girls. The guiding leaders make a huge difference in their local communities so that girls can attend a programme that enables them to try new things, have fun and speak out on issues that matter to them.

The Horley Guide leaders are an example of committed volunteers who give their time in many different ways. They consult with the girls to plan and run weekly meetings, arrange special trips and events, manage budgets, source equipment, carry out group administration, and attend regular meetings and training events.

The Horley leaders say they have as much fun helping, as the girls do taking part. Lasting friendships are formed between the volunteers, and all sections of Guiding are thriving in Horley, with many Rainbow, Brownie and Guiding units and there is scope to open three more units in the town if they had more volunteers.

There are several exciting events happening this summer for all guiding sections – this month, there is an opportunity to take part in Surrey Scoutabout – a camp for Guides and Scouts, and in September, there will be a Water Fun Day
at the Paxmead River Base.

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=”600″]For more information on how to volunteer with Horley Girlguiding, or to register your daughter with Girlguiding UK, visit:

For more information about Girlguiding in Surrey East, visit:

If you would like to speak to Girlguiding about volunteering in Surrey East, call Christine Philpot on: 07906 595415[/box]

By Georgia Lambert

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