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What To Do If Your Cat Goes Missing

What To Do If Your Cat Goes Missing

Do you have a much-loved moggy? When it comes to our furry friends it is natural that we will do all we can to look after them, but what should you do if your cat goes missing? Should your four-legged family member wander off, there are some simple things that you should consider from the outset of searching.

Cats are naturally curious creatures who like to roam and explore – unless you have a house cat which is confined to the four-walls of your home – therefore it is likely that your furry friend will clock up the steps each day and from time to time you might not see them for hours and hours.

Should your cat go missing, it is understandable that you will worry, so what should you do in the first instance to help reunite you with your missing much-loved four-legged family member?

First things first, place items in your garden which omit familiar scents to your cat such as their used litter, their used bedding, or even things form your home which can remind them of home such as a pair of old socks.

When it comes to searching for your moggy, make sure that you carry out a thorough search – cats love to find weird and wonderful spots to relax in or hide if they feel threated by their surroundings.

Check through your garden, or adjoining gardens, look under trees and bushes, under any garden decking, in garages, sheds and outbuildings and beneath any parked vehicles which are close by and ideal cat hide-outs.

When it comes to searching, think about the time of day that you go out, it is best to look for your puss when it is quiet so you can hear the slightest of meows – think early mornings or late evenings.

Whilst on the hunt for your furry friend go out with a torch so you can look in the darkest of corners, some tasty treats to help coax your cat out and something with a familiar noise like one of their beloved toys.

Should your missing cat hunt prove not to be fruitful, think about how you promote your cat search? You do not need to be a marketing specialist but do think how you can best get the word out about your loss.

Use social media where you can, Facebook is a great social networking tool to get your message out but remember to post to groups as well as your own page, so posts are seen by a much wider audience in your community.

As part of reaching a wider audience, when you post a missing cat appealing on Facebook, remember to set the post’s settings to public on the privacy settings, otherwise your post
will not be able to be shared quite so widely.

When it comes to appeals for a missing cat, even in 2019, not everyone uses social media, so think about traditional appeal posters which can by pinned to telephone poles or stuck in local shop windows where you are allowed.

Remember, whether a social media post or an old-fashioned poster should include the following details – a photo of your cat, when it was last seen, your location, and your contact details including a telephone number.

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