Make Mother’s Day A Springboard For Family Harmony
Mother’s Day is celebrated in more than 40 countries worldwide, in the UK, this year, it is on March 31 and provides an opportunity to get together with mum, to show her your appreciation and love.
The American writer, Meghan Daum, says: “Mother’s Day, like motherhood itself, is fraught with peril. There are so many opportunities to get it wrong.”
There can be many areas of potential conflict in such a family get together; sibling rivalry, previous misdemeanours and past trauma, with a risk of emotions bubbling to the surface and family rows.
Mother’s Day does not have to be a competition for who can buy mum the most extravagant gift, it can be a perfect opportunity for a family to get together harmoniously, to share and create good memories.
Relate North & South East Sussex has trained counsellors offering help to families in conflict, for more information contact your nearest Relate service, call: 01293 657055, or visit:
Kindly supplied by Relate North & South West Sussex.