Keeping Pets Summer Safe

Keeping Pets Summer Safe
Summer time and the living can be easy, however, for our much-loved pets, the summer season brings with it a host of potential problems. As the weather warms up, what can you do to help keep your pet summer safe this year, and how can you keep them cool and help beat the fearsome danger of heatstroke?
When it comes to daily pet care, try to plan your day around the weather, avoid dog walks during the day when the temperatures are at their hottest, instead walk early or late in the day. If you and your dog like to travel by car, make sure that you keep them comfortable – ventilate your vehicle with fresh air and never leave your dog parked up in the car no matter how much shade you think covers your vehicle.
If your pet is left at home whilst you are at work put in place measures to keep them hydrated as lack of water is one of the greatest risks to pets in summer – ask a neighbour to look-in on your pets during the day to ensure that your furry friend is getting enough to drink, if you cannot find a neighbour to help, make sure you leave two bowls of water so that if one gets knocked over there is a replacement.
If your cat, or more likely dog spends large amounts of time in the garden try to keep them indoors as much as you can during the day to avoid the heat, however, where this is not possible as your dog wants to be out and of course your cat cannot be contained, look to establish shady parts in your garden for your pet to take breaks from the sun, so if you are green-fingered, add some shrubs to your garden.
When it comes to shading, providing safe coverage should not be reserved to cats and dogs, if you have little ones in garden hutches – guinea pigs and rabbits – think about draping a cloth over their hutch where shading and shelter from greenery cannot be provided. Like with your beloved cats and dogs, small outdoor pets need their water supply checked and where necessary regularly topped-up.
Heatstroke In Pets
Among the symptoms you should look out for when it comes to heatstroke in
pets are anxiety, heavy panting, bright red gums, increased saliva levels,
vomiting and higher body temperatures than normal.
Dogs are more likely to suffer from heatstroke as they cannot sweat, their only
effective way of cooling down is panting and as they cannot ask you for a drink,
they can easily dehydrate if their bowl is not full.
If you have any concerns that your pet may have heatstroke, immediately consult
your vet, severe cases can lead to brain damage, kidney failure, lung damage and
at worst can lead in some cases to death.