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Council Boost For Butterflies, Bees & Beetles In West Sussex

Council Boost For Butterflies, Bees & Beetles In West Sussex

West Sussex County Council (WSCC) has published a pollinator action plan to help support pollinating insects such as butterflies, bumblebees and beetles locally, including at Crawley’s Buchan Country Park.

The plan is built around five aims – the needs of pollinators are represented in plans and policies, protect, increase the amount of habitat, create awareness of pollinators and needs, contribute to conservation of land owned, or managed by the council, and improve understanding of the insects.

Deborah Urquhart, WSCC cabinet member for environment, says: “Pollinators are an integral part of our existence. Without them our food supply, wildlife and countryside would cease.”

One way in which the plan is already in action is at Buchan Country Park, the meadow is cut to promote wildflower diversity to provide opportunities for a wide range of pollinators including bees.

For more information about the pollinator action plan, visit:

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