Beauty Top Tips From Around The World

With Easter next month, thoughts are beginning to turn to travelling to far off climes for some well-earned rest and relaxation. With far off climes in mind, have you thought about a worldwide beauty trip without leaving your bathroom? This month, we have some of the world’s best beauty tips for you to help look your best this spring.
Are you looking for glossier, shinier and silkier hair, smoother and more supple skin, or a radiant, glowing complexion?
If you are thinking quick beauty fixes, this month, think global and look around the big wide world.
A Beauty Passage To India
For glossier, shinier and silkier hair, look to India. For centuries, India has been the home of hair-oiling which sees the application of oil as a pre-shampoo conditioning treatment. Coconut oil contains nourishing lauric acid which gives your hair a thorough conditioning, and the resulting aroma of the tropical oil is truly awesome!
Swede Dreams
For soft and smooth skin, look north to Sweden. For generations, Swedes have used food stuffs which are in abundance in Scandinavia as part of their beauty regime, including raspberries which are high in antioxidants and nut oils such as almond oils which boasts natural moisturising and healing fatty acids.
Viva Espana!
For removing those dark circles from under your eyes, look to Spain. For party-loving Spaniards, thinly sliced potatoes help to rid their eyes of dark circles. Placed on the eyes for around 10 minutes, the slices help to lighten the skin tones around the eyes – the perfect treatment after a night out on the tiles!
Go Brazil Nuts!
For a quick and easy skin fix, look to Brazil. Brazilians looking for treatment to revive skin in need of a boost often reach for an avocado. Forget smashing your avocado on toast, instead mash with milk or honey to make a smooth cream for application onto the skin that is rich in vitamins and fatty acids.
Thai Up A Deal
For an all-over, rich body scrub, look to Thailand. The beautiful nation in the Far East boasts a tasty cuisine and one popular ingredient, the papaya fruit, can be as useful in the bathroom for a body scrub as it can in the kitchen for a curry. A papaya body scrub, enzyme-rich can give your skin a radiant glow.
From Russia With Love
For a facial mask which will bring a bright glow to your skin, look to Russia. Head to the east for a simple treatment which should leave your face with a lovely, vibrant glow. Used for centuries, rich oats soaked in warm water alongside everyday items including olive oil and lemon juice provide a simple, yet, very effective, glorious face mask.