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Taking Centre Stage: St Marks Players

Taking Centre Stage St Marks Players

As a community-based magazine, we love to highlight the great local groups that are bringing together likeminded residents. This month, we’re shining the spotlight on St Marks Players, who will be performing their Christmas production on Thursday 26th and Friday 27th November at St Mark’s Church Hall, Alma Road, Reigate.

To UNcover all about this amateur dramatics group, we spoke to their secretary, Jeremy Parsons:

When did the group form?

We initially started as a church group over 50 years ago, with most plays performed in the old church hall that has since become offices, and some even performed in the church itself. We now are more of a community focused group, performing two plays a year at St Mark’s Church Hall as well as being involved in various festivals for the Banstead and Reigate Borough Arts Council.


We have 35 members currently, as well as several friends of St Mark’s who regularly help out with productions. While we do have a lot of regulars, our membership grows each year so each production gives new people to work with and a whole new experience!

What do the St Marks Players aim to do?

Our aims are to entertain the public and to give our members a friendly, supportive and social environment where they can meet new people, feel part of a team and take on challenges or showcase their work.

Why did you personally join the Players?

I started drama at university and decided I wanted to continue it more locally. I found it such a wonderful group; I joined back in 2010 and have been involved every year since! It’s helped build my confidence, my acting knowledge and my skills, as well as introducing me to lots of wonderful and lovely people!

Can you share any inside-information about your Christmas productions, later this month?

Our production will be a light-hearted look at Christmas – a selection of plays and sketches, some even written by some of the group!

What would you say to those thinking about joining you?

Do it! We are a fun, welcoming group who take a professional approach to our productions, allowing all our members to fulfil and realise their potential, and to showcase and feel proud of their talents.

To find out more about joining the Players in on and off-stage roles or buy tickets for their upcoming production, visit: or email Jeremy on:

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