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Park Life!

Park Life!

With the warmer, brighter, longer days here, now is the time to get out and enjoy your local park and the wide open green spaces! We have got top tips and ideas for you to make the most of your park life!

Are you tired of seeing your children glued to the sofa playing video games and watching online cat videos when it is such a beautiful day outside? It is time to get them up and outside for some real-life fun!

Even if your budget is tight, you can find lots of adventures to be had at a park!

Take advantage of your nearest recreational area and plan an outing for the entire family no matter how old or young.

Old Favourites
As well as swings try your hand at rope nets, see-saws, giant slides and monkey bars! These are just some of the wonders packed into park play areas – so head off to the park and pack plenty of agility.

Top Tip: As well as agility pack some drinks to ensure you and your little ones remain refreshed in the sun.

Picnic In The Park
Looking for a lazy feast? Nothing quite beats eating al fresco! Grab a basket and a blanket and some hearty food and drink to enjoy whilst in the sun – don’t forget to take some extra feed for the ducks!

Top Tip: If you are dinning in the middle of the day make sure you take some sun cream to protect your skin!

Play Ball
Many community parks have tennis courts and football fields – they often offer local leagues for organised sports but if it’s an open field take along a ball and have a good old fashioned kick-about.

Top Tip: You might think of yourself as a Wayne Rooney but be careful where you take aim with your balls!

Learn About Nature
Local parks teem with wildlife so they are a great place to learn about plants and animals on your doorstep – remember your camera so you can photo anything weird or wonderful for a scrapbook!

Top Tip: If you want to make a scrapbook be mindful of the nature and treat plants and animals respectfully.

Do A Runner
Whether putting your best foot forward solo or as part of an organised event like Park Run put your running shoes on – before doing a Mo Farrah, check the park website for any do’s and don’ts.

Top Tip: Remember to run on areas of the park you are advised to use and following park running rules.

Play With The Dog
Parks are a place where your canine family member can enjoy an outing with you – taking your dog to the park can be a great place as you can all bond as a family and your furry friend can exercise!

Top Tip: Be sure to know your park’s rule for four-legged visitors – take a lead and bags for any toilet stops.

By Jacob White

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