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Make A Splash In Your Bathroom!

Make A Splash In Your Bathroom!

Is your bathroom looking sad and tired? Have you got plans for guests to visit at Christmas who might have to use your bathroom? If your bathroom needs a makeover to turn it from your nightmare bathroom to your dream bathroom, look no further! This month, go on make a splash in your bathroom!

Bathrooms are special areas in a home, they are the place where we both start and finish our days and our time spent there sets our mood for the day ahead as well as a place to unwind before a good night’s sleep. Therefore, from time-to-time you will want to revitalise the space and you might want to look for new ways you can maximise your bathroom space and even future-proof the room for sale value in the years to come.

As is the case with any home improvement project, you need to set a clear budget from the beginning, changing the layout of a bathroom will obviously increase the cost of the project. Moving a toilet and the connecting waste pipes can be particularly expensive work as can the installation of stud walls, however, both a layout change and boxed in unsightly pipework can enhance the appearance of your bathroom.

A bathroom should be about form and function, keep this in mind when it comes to installing lighting – think about a combination of lighting which will make the room a place of serenity and a place where you can beautify yourself. With bathroom electrical fittings, whether lighting or power supply be aware of the legislation surrounding electrics, there are building regulations which must be adhered to.

If your bathroom is limited for space, you will need to be innovative with your layout plan to maximise the room’s space. Where there is a space limitation, opt for a combined bath and shower, and if storage is an important feature for you, look for room fixtures with built in storage which can include a sink with a storage unit or an opening under the bath for toiletries or cleaning products in and out of sight.

Bathroom flooring should be warm underfoot and textured enough to avoid dangerous slips – options include tiled or natural stone flooring or a laminate wood floor but always keep in mind the water and moisture generated in a bathroom through use and regular cleaning, if you have children you will know how much they enjoy splashing about so make sure the flooring materials are both practical and elegant.

Making A Splash Without Dipping Too Deep Into Your Pocket

A wholesale bathroom renovation can be a costly exercise, however, if you are simply looking to update your bathroom on a budget ahead of Christmas visitors in your home look for cost saving options. A lick of fresh paint and ditching dirty grout can make a real difference and if you are tired of your tiles, look at painting them with specialist tile paint to freshen things up. New accessories such are blinds, light cords, towels and bath mats can also add a vibrant and contemporary feel at a snip of a major bathroom building job.

By Jacob White

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