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Deck the Halls!

Deck The Halls!

All too soon Christmas will be upon us and the annual visit to the nether regions of the loft, or the climb across everything that has been piled into the garage, including tents, BBQ’s and sun loungers from the long-gone days of summer will be necessary, to find the Christmas decorations.

Unless, you decide that this will be the year when you will bring your festive décor bang up to date and buy new! This, naturally comes with its own issue, of what colour theme to choose? You may be lucky in that you have a fairly neutral colour scheme in your home already, in which case the sky is the limit for you, but if not, we’ve come up with some more ideas, one of which
is bound to be a perfect match for your décor.

Red, Green and Gold
Well, we couldn’t offer up a colour theme without the traditional red, green and gold being top of the list! With all the colours that remind us of Christmas pulled together, the red and green reminiscent of the beautiful holly and berries so synonymous of Christmas along with the age-old tradition of gold will fill every corner of your home with festive cheer throughout the season.

Silver, Blue and White
If you have embraced the neutral trend of whites and greys this year, then a choice of silver, blue and white will be the perfect icy topping for your theme. Use sparkly silver for baubles or how about clear glacier-like glass? Finally, weave ice-like white fairy lights throughout tree branches, bannisters and along mantels for a truly winter wonderland feel.

Burgundy, Green and Gold
Rich burgundy, deep green and velvety golds will add a touch of opulence to your home – look for fabric or glass tree decorations in deep burgundy and green shades along with sparkling gold lights and deep green beads wound majestically around your tree.  Add vases of greenery and bowls of golden baubles to side tables and mantels to finish.

If you have children, you are going to be lucky to get away with any of the sophisticated themes above. It is likely that they will want to do the decorating of the tree in their style. They will throw everything, but the kitchen sink on the tree and none of it will match. You’ll have fifty shades of tinsel, mismatched and lopsided baubles and a wonky fairy to top it off but your heart will
melt quicker than all of the chocolate coins and bunnies on the tree every time you look at it!

To finish, pull your theme together with co-ordinating cushions, throws and candles, pour yourself a festive tipple and settle in for a very Merry Christmas!

By Nikki Relffe-Arnold

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