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Animal Magic!

Animal Magic!

The benefits of interacting with animals are well reported, and you don’t have to own a pet to enjoy them! We’ve got suggestions for how you can add some animal magic into your life!

Animals are magic! There are so many opportunities for you to enjoy their company from animal fostering to volunteering at a rescue centre or charity – go on, feel the benefits!


Foster an animal

Many animal charities rely on fosterers to provide temporary homes for the animals in their care.

Could you foster a dog or cat?
Charities need people willing to open up their homes to dogs and cats looking for a fresh start in life. When you foster, you’ll be freeing up space in pet centres so that they can rescue more animals.

Benefits to the animals
Fostering is an important role in the rehabilitation of animals and helps improve their chance of finding a new home. Many animals taken in by a charity have either suffered or are not used to the care and affection that they deserved. Living with a foster family helps them adapt to a normal lifestyle.

Benefits to you
Fostering can be a pleasurable experience – it’s rewarding to know that you played a part in the rehoming process when a foster animal is successfully rehomed. It also gives you the chance to enjoy a pet in your home if you’re unable to take in an animal permanently due to other work and family commitments.


Volunteer for an animal charity

Volunteers make a contribution to the work charities do to prevent cruelty and offer help to animals. With a wide range of volunteering roles available, there is sure to be a suitable opportunity near you.

What will you gain?
Volunteering is an excellent way to meet like-minded people who share the same enthusiasm for animal welfare, and there are other benefits too, such as learning new skills or developing existing ones, doing something useful and rewarding and gaining a sense of achievement in the community.

Who can volunteer?
Anyone – most charities value diversity and encourage volunteers from all sections of the community although opportunities for anyone who is under 16 years of age are limited but if helping or support an animal charity is for you there’s always fundraising events to get involved with!

How do you volunteer?
Contact a local animal charity centre – after that you will usually be asked to complete an application form, attend an interview and provide referees for the charity to contact. You’ll usually go on an induction course and best of all you give as much or as little time you have.




By Jacob White

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